Cover Reveals
Tuesday Teasers

Tours With Writers In Mind

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Cover Reveal & Tuesday Teaser Services

Get 10% Off Your First Order On All Services!

We Accept All Genres!

Our Events run from Monday to Saturday!

Tuesday Teasers are scheduled on Tuesday only!

Sundays tend to be on the slower side and our goal is to get your book boosted with the highest views possible.

Please read the Tour Guidelines before booking a tour with Quill and Ink Book Tours.  

When you book a tour with Quill and Ink Book Tours it means you have read and agreed with the information and terms listed there and will adhere to them.

Grandfather Clause

We offer a Grandfather Clause which locks you into the rates when you first hire us. If our rates change your rate never goes up. 

Mock Tour

Check out our Mock Tour to give you an idea of how our tours and events will look. All are created uniquely for your book but the format is the same across all of our events. 

What is A Cover Reveal

A Cover Reveal is a promotional event for one day that showcases your new cover and helps promote your upcoming release and boost those sales.

Price – $25.00

  • 1 Day Event.
  • For a single book or series.
  • Only for covers that have not yet been released anywhere online.
  • Promo/Excerpt Stop Only.
  • There are no limits on the number of participants.
  • Includes Book Blurb/Synopsis, Cover Photo, Author Bio and Social Media Links, Goodreads Link (If available), Pre-Order Links (If Available), Excerpt (If Available), as well as any other Promotional Materials Provided by the author. 
  • Media Kits Provided.
  • Social Media guaranteed on Quill and Ink Book Tours Blog and social media during and after the reveal.
  • Sign-up Form on Quill and Ink Book Tours website.
  • No Reviews.
  • No Giveaway.
  • This can be done on short notice, however, we recommend at least 1 week before the scheduled start date.
  • A Cover Reveal must be scheduled 1 week before the release date of the book.
  • Please read the Tour Guidelines before booking a tour with Quill and Ink Book Tours.  

Other Reveal Options:

Double Cover Reveal – For those who have a series with two books releasing at once or have two separate series releasing at the same time.

Trailer Reveal – Revealing a short trailer or video clip for your book promotion or upcoming release.

Excerpt Reveal – Revealing a special excerpt or part of your book or upcoming release.

What is A Tuesday Teaser

A Tuesday Teaser is a one-day promotional event that blasts your book out there showcasing a teaser or excerpt. This gives readers a taste of your story and helps boost those sales.

Price – $25.00

  • Scheduled On Tuesday’s Only.
  • Can be for published or upcoming books.
  • For a single-book or series.
  • 1 Day Event.
  • Promo/Teaser/Excerpt Stop Only.
  • There are no limits on the number of participants.
  • Includes Book Blurb/Synopsis, Cover Photo, Teasers (one custom teaser graphic created by Quill and Ink Book Tours, others provided by the author if available), Author Bio, Social Media Links, Goodreads Link (If available), Pre-Order Links (If Available) or Buy Links, Excerpt (If Available), as well as any other Promotional Materials Provided by the author. 
  • Media Kits Provided.
  • Social Media guaranteed on Quill and Ink Book Tours Blog and social media during and after the reveal.
  • Sign-up Form on Quill and Ink Book Tours website.
  • No Reviews.
  • No Giveaway.
  • This can be done on short notice, however, we recommend booking at least 1 week before the scheduled start date.
  • Please read the Tour Guidelines before booking a tour with Quill and Ink Book Tours.  

Book Your Cover Reveal or Tuesday Teaser

Ready to book your reveal or Tuesday Teaser? Click the Book A Tour button below to schedule and we’ll be in touch within 48 hours to get started on your event.

Or you can email your request to us at You can expect a response within 48 hours.

If emailing your request, please submit the following information:

  • Your name
  • Book Title & Synopsis
  • Book Cover (High-Definition Resolution Preferred)
  • Any additional graphics, such as teasers or other versions of your cover
  • Author Photo and Bio
  • The Genre of the book
  • Whether you’re requesting a Cover Reveal/Trailer Reveal/Excerpt Reveal or Tuesday Teaser.

Note: Once you’ve signed up for a reveal or Tuesday Teaser, you will be sent a packet with information and any additional materials needed for your chosen event.


We Accept Payments via Paypal.

We send invoices out as soon as the event is scheduled and the invoice must be paid in its entirety at least 1 day before the event start date. 

Additional Services

Be sure to check out our Blog Tours and Tour Packages where you get a variety of some of our most popular services all wrapped up in one nice bundle plus additional savings! 

Also, check out our variety of Blitzes

Quill & Ink Book Tours

“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” – Garrison Kellor

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