Quill & Ink
Book Tours

Tours With Writers In Mind

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Authors & Publicists

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I offer a variety of promotional services including highly popular blog tours to help get the buzz out about your books.

Blog tours are virtual tours with posts on blogs, Instagram, social media, and more to help promote your books and boost those sales.

I also offer cover reveals, a variety of book blitzes, tour packages and the opportunity for book reviews. Check out my Services page to learn more.

Bloggers & Reviewers

If you would like to receive emails about new tour events or review opportunities, consider joining my team of blog tour hosts and check out my Tour Hosts page to learn more and sign up.

Tired of filling out forms, sign up for my Master Event Promo List to be automatically signed up to receive a promotional post for all events in your chosen genres. HTML kits provided.

You don’t have to be a blog tour host to join my tours, they are open to anyone, check out my Current Tours and Open Tours pages to learn more.

Quill & Ink Book Tours

“Some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again.”

– Louisa May Alcott

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