Tour Hosts

Tours With Writers In Mind

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
― Ernest Hemingway

TOUR HOSTS & Social Media Influencers

If you’d like to become a tour host:

About being a tour host

Love books? Enjoy reviewing books? Enjoy helping authors promote their books? Then consider becoming a tour host! 

Quill and Ink Book Tours would love to have you on board as a tour host. We understand how valuable your time is and greatly appreciate everything that you do for the authors and us.

As a tour host, we will promote your blog and social media site across our website and social media. By hosting our tours you will gain many new followers and visitors to your site each day and our tours provide fresh, new content to keep your sites vibrant. We also offer a quarterly Amazon gift card giveaway to all of our active tour hosts.

Please read through this page for information on our master lists and the events we organize.

To become a host, please fill out our Tour Host form below or email Quill and Ink Book Tours at inquiring about your interest in joining our Tour Host Team and we’ll sign you up.

Please Note: When you sign up to become a Tour Host you will be added to our Blogger Newsletter via MailerLite. This assures you get all the tour updates and invites to our event sign-ups!

Please read our Host Guidelines for more specific information on being a tour host.

When you sign up to be a host it means you have read and agreed with the information and terms listed there and will adhere to them.

If emailing, please submit the following information:


Email address

Blog Name

Blog URL (can be a blog site/FB Page/Instagram/or Booktube for reviewers)

Genres You do NOT want to Host (Quill and Ink Book Tours accepts all genres, including non-fiction.)

Let us know if you’d like to join our Master Event List, which you will be automatically added to all events in the genres you specify. No more sign-up forms to fill out.

Please Note: Once you sign up to become a tour host, you will receive a welcome packet that details the services we offer and how to sign up for tours. By signing up you agree to be added to our tour host email list via MailerLite and receive emails from us regarding upcoming tours and other promotional events. 

Please read all the information contained on this page and my policies page. When you sign-up as a tour host it means you agree with the information on these pages and will adhere to it. You can always email us at with any questions or concerns.

Bloggers, bookstagrammers, and social media influencers are welcome to sign up for all tours and there is no minimum of followers needed to join our tours.

Reviewers and Booktubers that review only are asked to also have an Amazon, and/or Goodreads account.

Master Event List

The Master Event List allows you to host all the tours, blitzes, reveals, teasers, etc., with a promo post in the genres you specify. 

No more filling out sign-up sheets. 

HTML kits included.

Plus social media kits and create your own kits included.

Those on the Master Event List will automatically receive all event promo posts. Promo posts may include excerpts but no reviews, guest posts, or author interviews. Cover reveals do not include excerpts.

You will be notified of the dates of the events when signups begin.

Tour schedules and materials will be emailed at least 3 days before the start of each tour.

Blitz, Teaser, and Reveal schedules and materials will be emailed at least 1 day before the start of each event. 

You will be scheduled based on any preferences you choose (i.e., No Saturdays), otherwise, you will be scheduled where spots need to be filled.

Keep in mind that posting on your scheduled date is up to you. If you’re unable to participate, reply to the media kit for the event in question to notify us, or email us at Otherwise, you’ll be expected to post.

To Sign Up

Click the Master Tour Promo List Signup button below.

Select the Master Event List option in the Tour Host Signup Form

Email us at and request to be added to the Master Event List, and let us know any genres you do NOT want to post and if you have any preferences such as Saturdays only or No Saturdays.

Please Note: if you’d like to review for a particular tour, you can still be on the Master Event list but please fill out the individual sign-up sheet for the tour you’re interested in reviewing, so you can receive the book

Unsubscribe Anytime: email us at and put unsubscribe from Master Event List in the subject.

Events We Organize

Blog Tours – A Blog tour is a virtual event like a book tour at a library or bookstore that allows an author to reach thousands of readers and offers the bloggers a chance to grow their followers and share new books. Tours include review opportunities, author interviews, guest posts, and giveaways to share with your audience. Those who choose to review will get an ARC or print copy of the book to share their thoughts. Those who choose to participate in a non-review post will get an excerpt. Both reviewers and non-reviewers may choose to ask the author interview questions and enter giveaways. Tours run 1 to 2 weeks. No limit on participation but if you want a specific date, sign up early.

Blitzes – A blitz is a little shout-out to the world about a current book that’s on sale, or new release, or one that’s up for pre-order to help the author promote their book and gain more readers. Blitzes include release blitzes, book blitzes, pre-order blitzes, and more. Hosting blitzes helps bloggers continue to grow their following. Often these include an excerpt. Sometimes these come with giveaways that you and your followers can enter. Blitzes are 3-day events. There is no limit on participation.

Cover Reveals – These are little shout-outs to let the world know a new book is coming soon and to share these amazing covers. You get to see the book for the first time before the public and help the author gather buzz for their upcoming book. Other reveal options are trailer and excerpt reveals. Cover and other reveals are 1-day events. There is no limit on participation. 

Tuesday Teasers – These are specifically on Tuesdays and give a sneak peek of what the book or upcoming release entails. Showcasing teaser graphics with quotes and special excerpts. There is no limit on participation.

types of Blog Tour Posts

We offer a few types of posts you can choose to host for our blog tours, such as promo posts, reviews, excerpts, guest posts, and author interviews. Except for promo posts, you can choose a combo of the following posts to host. For example, you can choose to host a guest post and a review, or an excerpt and an author interview.

Promo Post

  • A basic promotional post that includes information about the book, the author, their social media links, and the buy links.
  • Sometimes these will include an excerpt.
  • These do not include a guest post or author interview. If you want to host a guest post or author interview, please sign up for those in the signup forms.

Review Posts

  • Review options are often added to our tours.
  • ARCS are sent out at least 4 weeks before the tour start date.
  • We ask that you post your review on your scheduled tour date and on Amazon and Goodreads (if you have those accounts.)
  • For our Review Only blogs and Booktube hosts, we ask that you have your reviews posted by the end of the tour schedule.
  • We ask that you share your review links with us so that we can pass these along to the authors.


  • Are a special part of the book chosen by the author. Often there is more than 1 excerpt to choose from and when that occurs, we ask that you only choose one excerpt to post.

Guest Posts

  • A topic of discussion that the tour host suggests for the author to write about.
  • Topic examples could be: what is your writing routine like? What advice do you have for a blossoming author?
  • Please have your topic emailed to us no later than 3 weeks before the tour start date so that the author has time to write about your topic.

Author Interview

  • This is your time to interview the author and inquire about them, their writing, and any fun questions you’d like to know as well.
  • Please have your interview questions emailed to us no later than 3 weeks before the tour start date, so that the author has time to fill out your questions.

Additional Information

Please feel free to email us at  at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.

Quill and Ink Book Tours is looking forward to having you on our team!

Quill & Ink Book Tours

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies… The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin

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