Host Guidelines

Tours With Writers In Mind

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.”
― Ernest Hemingway

Event Specific Guidelines

Signing Up for Tours and Events

  • You will find sign-up forms for every event (tour, blitz, cover reveal, etc.) on our Open Tours page.
  • Once a week you will receive a New Events email just for hosts, with links and information to sign up for the events.
  • You can always sign up using the signup forms to each event  found on our website or email Quill and Ink Book Tours at and we will sign you up.

No Minimum or Maximum Sign-ups

  • There are no minimum or maximum sign-ups. You can sign up for as many or as few events as you’d like to participate in.

Receiving Tour and Event Information

  • The blog tour materials will be sent to you at least 4 days before the start of the tour.
  • A reminder email for upcoming blog tours is sent 2 days before the start of the tour.
  • Blitzes/Cover Reveals at least 1 day before the start date. These are often done on short notice.
  • We understand many like to schedule their tours in advance, and we will always strive to get the materials to you in completion sooner, if possible.
  • If you have not received materials for your tour or communication from us regarding tour materials by 1 day before the event start date or your scheduled date, please email and let us know.

Changing Your Preferences

  • If you want to change the preferences you signed up for such as hosting no children’s books, you simply email us, and we will make the change for you.

Tour and Event Kits

  • All event kits come with HTML for easy posting, a Create Your Own kit, and a Social Media kit (which is Bookstagram, Facebook, and X formerly Twitter kits.)
  • All kits include excerpts, guest posts, author interviews (if part of that tour), banners, and additional graphics.


  • Posts must be up by 8:00 PM ET.
  • Posts do not have to be the first or top post of the day.
  • Posting on your scheduled date is required, it’s understandable that life happens and/or sometimes we just simply forget.
  • If you miss a post, you will be sent an email asking you to post no later than the next day.
  • If you cannot post for whatever reason, please email us so that we can reschedule your stop and inform the author.


  • Authors have the option to add review stops to their tours, if you sign up to host a review, we ask that you post the review on your blog, Amazon, or Goodreads if you have an account. Reviews posted on all sites are appreciated.
  • We ask that if you grade a book a 1 or 2 stars you refrain from posting it on the tour, please email us and we will change your post to a promo post. This does not mean that you can’t give it 1 or 2 stars on review sites, we respect that honest reviews are asked.
  • We ask that you email us the link to your reviews once they go live.
  • You are receiving the ARC eBook copy of the book from the author to review, these are not to be sold, redistributed, or copied in any way.


  • We take piracy very seriously and anyone found violating copyright laws and mishandling ARCs will no longer be able to host Quill and Ink Book Tours
  • We will work with the author and their legal team to report the individual in violation.

Communications from Quill and Ink Book Tours

Receiving Emails from Quill and Ink Book Tours

  • After signing up as a tour host you will receive an e-mail once a week for new events which match the preferences and genres you signed up for.
  • If you signed up for one of our Master Lists, you will automatically be signed up for those events in the genres you specified.
  • Every e-mail about a new event will include a link to the sign-up form which you can use to sign up for the event in question. If you don’t want to sign up for the event, just ignore the e-mail.
  • Emails for new events will be sent through our Blogger Mailing List run by Mailerlite.
  • Please make sure you add to your approved list of senders so our emails won’t accidentally land in spam.

Other Reasons You Receive Emails from Us

  • You will receive mass emails from us if there has been a change made to a tour kit or an announcement regarding a tour needs to be made.
  • Reminder emails are sent to those individuals who have signed up individually, these are sent 2 days before the event start date.
  • Emails containing the event kits will be sent to everyone who signed up for the event and our master hosts.
  • Review ARC copies will be sent only to those reviewers who signed up for a review option and to our booktubers and review-only blog tour hosts.
  • Any other emails will be personal and not mass emails.
  • For Giveaways, which are run quarterly, a winner announcement email will be sent to everyone as well as to the individual who won. 
  • When we do send out mass emails your email address is not visible, we use BCC to protect our hosts’ email accounts.

Unsubscribing from Our Mailing Lists

  • When you sign up as a tour host you are added to our Tour Host Newsletter run by Mailerlite and you can unsubscribe from this by clicking on the option at the bottom of the emails.
  • If you signed up for our Master Lists, you can unsubscribe by emailing us at and we will remove you from those lists.

Confidentiality with Personal Information

  • We will never share your personal information. The only time your email address is shared is for review copies if they are handled by the author. We will send your email address to the author so that they can send your review copy. Most times Quill and Ink Book Tours distributes the review copies.
  • For giveaways, if you are the winner your email is sent to the author only, so they can get in touch and send you your prize.
  • Your email address is only ever shared with Quill and Ink Book Tours. To learn more about privacy, read our Policies page.


Additional Information

Tour Host Giveaway

  • As gratitude for the work that you do for us, all tour hosts who have posted on all their scheduled dates and/or those who were unable to post but have communicated with us will be automatically enrolled in a quarterly giveaway to receive an Amazon gift card. If you are chosen, you will be sent a Congratulations Email and your gift card.

Comments, Questions, Concerns

Quill and Ink Book Tours is looking forward to having you on our team!

Quill & Ink Book Tours

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.”

–  J.K. Rowling

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